Monday, June 7, 2010

I'm Back. Again.

I'm not back with pictures of the new house as it slowly gets set up and becomes home. I'm not even back with photos, recaps or stories from Montreal. Nothing about progress on Mum and Dad's kitchen and not even highlights of Dave's Birthday weekend celebrations. Nope. What struck me so interesting that I needed to drop the daydreams of putting a fresh coat of paint on the trim in the sunroom, mentally calculating how much 1 x 2 I need for shelf ledgers in the mudroom and inspired me to abandon the empty garbage and recycling bins calling from the curb? A banner ad that at first glance I thought was a fake. I'm pretty sure it was the tagline, "The coolest you'll look pooping your pants".

Huggies Jeans Diapers. Behold:

I won't bother talking about how ridiculous these are. Or how it is just a bunch of unhealthy dye and chemicals. I won't even bother touching on the fact that the commercial works hard to sexualize babies. I'll just highlight the pooptastic word play:

"My diaper is full ... full of chic!"
"When it's a number two, I look like number one"
"I poo in blue!"

There is nothing left to say.


Bryan Raydio said...

limited edition diapers. we have reached a new low. only the ETs can save us now.